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How to add Assignments via the app and on the Educators Dashboard

Updated over a year ago

To supplement learning or to revise tricky topics, children and teachers can add extra work in topics they'd like to practice. These are known as an Assignments.

Each Assignment contains 15 questions on a curriculum topic. These questions will be the first 15 within our question bank and so will introduce the topic from the very beginning and focus mainly on fluency.

There are three instances when teachers could consider setting an Assignment for their students. These are:

1) Pre-teaching: checking that children have a strong understanding of prior concepts

before moving on to a new concept

2) Consolidation: checking that children have understood the concept at the end of a

teaching unit

3) Providing scaffolded support during lessons

When a student who has been set an Assignment logs in after the date and time selected, the red Assignment icon in their Learning Zone will be flashing to let them know that there is work to complete. If there is more than one Assignment set for them, children will be able to select the one they would like to complete.

Adding Assignments into one or more pupils' work programs is a great way to support your scheme of teaching or to support any weaker areas of understanding.

Teachers can add Assignments from a vast selection that Doodle has already created, or they can create their own!

How to add an Assignment in the Learning Zone

Teachers or pupils over the age of twelve can set themselves an Assignment from the Learning Zone. For children under 12, Teachers can set an Assignment directly from the app by entering their educator PIN. To do this:

  1. Log in to Doodle

  2. From the Learning Zone, press the red Add Assignment icon

  3. Type in a topic and follow the in-app instructions; the red Assignment icon will then appear in the Learning Zone

Please note only one Assignment can be set through the app each day. If you would like to set more than one, please do so through the Educator Dashboard by following the steps below.

How to add Assignments from the Educators Dashboard

Teachers can set Assignments for one or more pupils by visiting the Educators Dashboard.

  1. Log in to the Educators Dashboard

  2. Hover over Assignments and select Set

  3. Search for the relevant CCS in the search box or scroll through the selection

  4. Click on the arrow to the left of the CCS title to view which lessons are available. You can view the exact questions in that Assignment or even preview them to see exactly how they will appear within your student's app.

  5. Click on Set assignment next to the lesson you'd like to set

  6. Select when you would like the Assignment to become available and which pupils you'd like to receive it (you can set it for the whole class, individual students within the class or groups of students within the class)

  7. If you'd like to check if any students have already completed this particular Assignment, check the 'Highlight students' box (you can still set these students an Assignment if they have already completed it).

  8. Press Set assignment

Assignments to revise or fills gaps in knowledge

You can easily identify areas of weaker understanding and add extra work in these topics.

  1. Hover over Work programs and select View coverage

  2. Select your class at the top of the page and select an individual student down the left hand side so they are highlighted in blue.

  3. From here you can see your students current coverage for a particular CCS for either the current academic year or since they first started Doodling depending on the time frame selected.

  4. Click on the arrow to the left of the CCS to expand that topic, then click on the blue plus icon in order to set an Assignment in that particular area.

How to create your own Custom Assignment

If you'd like to create your own set custom Assignment, you can! To do this:

  1. Hover over Assignments and select Create Custom

  2. Click on the Create an Assignment button

  3. Type in a lesson title, year group and description

  4. Add your questions, putting the correct answer in answer A (this will be randomised once published)

  5. Once you have finished, press Save

  6. Click on the Assignment to set it for your pupils, delete it or share it with your colleagues

πŸ’‘ Need more help? Feel free to contact our lovely customer support team by using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the screen, they will be happy to help!

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